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"As the Accounting Office Auditor with Burlington Coat Factory, Sandra was an invaluable asset to the company. Sandra performed her job duties with extreme efficiency and dedication. Sandra was very organized and detail oriented. She was instrumental in designing associate and managerial training programs and their implementation. Sandra shows initiative and loyalty. As the auditor, she was responsible for maintaining the day to day records and cash deposits for the store. Sandra is very trustworthy and a joy to work with. Sandra will most assuredly be an invaluable asset to any organization."


-Ather Syed

Customer Care Representative at Conduent



"Sandra is an excellent worker, always provided the work on time. Excellent character, If I could I would hire her again."


-Humberto Idarraga

Financial Swervices Manager at Pemex Procurement International Inc.




Articles from University of Houston-Downtown Newspaper the Dateline


Sandra B Jolivet

Technical Writer

Technical Editor



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Below are samples that were either published online or were included in a press kit for local band Superna

Below is a poem published in Youth Magazine

Published Works

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee wrote, “Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I'd have the facts.” As a writer, I live by these words; whether it be technical, creative, marketing, or journalistic - I strive for accuracy. Explore my portfolio and if you’d like to learn more about my body of work, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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De Madres a Madres is a non-profit organization created to promote and assist mother-to-mother support for at-risk, predominantly Hispanic women, children and families to create a strong family structure. I created the templates for their newsletter and brochure.

The following samples are flyers and business cards that I designed for various companies using Word and InDesign.


Although I have never held the title of Translator in any of the companies I have worked for, I have been doing translating and interpreting services almost all my life. Since I grew up in a Spanish speaking household, I have been translating for my parents since I was five years old. I got my first taste when my grandfather had a stroke and no one in my family could understand the doctors. I was able to communicate to my family members the doctor’s medical requests successfully, and also relay to the doctor my family’s concerns.


I have honed my skills since then, from sight to written and even real-time interpreting. In my experience, simultaneous translation is probably the most difficult, as there is hardly any time to think and choose preferred wording and phrasing. I have also always been the one, throughout the years, colleagues seek when the need for an interpreter arises.


So even though I have never had an official Translator title,  I know you will not be disappointed in my skills, as they come coupled with a Professional Writing background.

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